Friday, June 19, 2009

Stories of Indigenous People

All five teams presented their dramatizations of stories of indigenous people from their respective countries. The guest teachers were the jury.


  1. The dramatizations of stories of indigenous people were great! All five teams performed marvelously with everyone participating. Stories ranged from serious love stories to modern adaptations of famous tales. The visiting teachers seemed to enjoy the performace and it really showed what 'summer camp' is supposed to consist of as Bartyr said- Fun! Great Job!

  2. I think we need to learn how to work with microphone, with a public, on a stage... But for beginners we were EXCELLENT...
    I will write in every my comment- RED TEAM is the BEST!!!Yohoo!

  3. The activity was great! Unfortunately, our Media Team has some problems with their cameras, so they can't publish the photos.
