So many songs, so much laugh...Our counselors have done their best!
The counselors offered to start with the team singing. After drawing lots:
Red Brats "Don't Worry, Be Happy"
Orange Cheetos "YMCA"
Yellow Submarine "Yellow Submarine"
Blue Bikini Bottom "Since you've been gone"
Green Irish Emerald "Oops, I did it again"
Then a solo singing followed.
Orange Luaba M. "Only You"
Yellow Danzan L. "Black or White'
Blue Altana D. "I will always love you"
Green Jenya B. "Waiting For Tonight"
Red Lera B. "Summer Moved On"
The jury - Galina V.Z., Tatiana A., Valentina E. - decided that everybody was a winner.
The Funniest Singer Danzan
The Most Professional Singer Altana
The Most Arttistic Singer Jenya
The Best Dancing Groupe Red
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